Rescue Swimmer Meeting 2014
We are pleased that this year the event is organized with the full support of the Spanish Maritime Safety and Rescue Agency, SALVAMENTO MARÍTIMO.
The intent behind this event is to provide an opportunity for all helicopter rescue swimmers, related organizations, SAR service providers, and other interested parties to come together know one each other’s and share information and experiences. This website should provide all of the necessary information for a successful and pleasurable visit to “Centro Jovellanos”.
Rescue Swimmer Meeting 2014 program
Wednesday 4th “Pre-Meeting Day”
As we know that many of you are thinking in arriving early to the Meeting, the day before started we are preparing a “surprise” activity day just for fun to spent some time together and ending on a typical Rescue Swimmers welcome
Thursday 5th “Welcome Day”
Arrival to the Hotel in Gijon and housing
Bus trip from the Hotel to “Centro Jovellanos”, Spanish Maritime Training Safety Center Stands exhibition opening
Welcome act
Welcome lunch
(Coffee breaks /Stands exhibition)
Bus Trip from “Centro Jovellanos” to Gijon harbor
Visit to Gijón SAR Helicopter Base and Gijon Maritime Rescue Coordination Center
Boarding on a Rescue Ship for an exercise with Helicopter off the Coast
Back at the harbor & Bus to the Hotel
“Welcome Party” in Gijon Town
Friday 6th “Exercises Day”
Breakfast at Hotel
Bus trip from the Hotel to “Centro Jovellanos”, Spanish Maritime Training Safety Center
Helicopters Exercises at “Centro Jovellanos”, Spanish Maritime Training Safety Center open pool. After exercises landing to visit and short speech from each Crew about
Lunch at “Centro Jovellanos”, Spanish Maritime Training Safety Center
(Coffee breaks /Stands exhibition)
Bus Trip from “Centro Jovellanos”, Spanish Maritime Training Safety Center, to the Hotel
Rescue Swimmer Dinner
At Meeting Hotel we will have our first official dinner with some Spanish authorities that will attend
- 1st Rescue Swimmers Award
- Gold Rescue Swimmers Wings
Saturday 7th “Bye bye Day”
Breakfast at Hotel
Bus trip from the Hotel to “Centro Jovellanos”, Spanish Maritime Training Safety Center
(Coffee breaks /Stands exhibition)
EURORSA Assembly (voluntary)
End and closing of the Meeting

Contenido relacionado
Fracia, dos soldados muertos durante un ejercicio de helicóptero
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